Thursday, April 8, 2010

A little lighter...

Well, the first 12 lbs. are GONE! Thank the Lord! This definitely hasn't been easy, but it actually has been enjoyable! It's been so long since I've consistently lost weight (I'm losing 2 lbs. a week!) and I'm so excited to keep it up! I'm sure that plateau is coming, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there! Please pray for me as I continue on this journey!

To change the subject a little... I want to brag on my husband! Some really crazy things have been happening in my family the last several weeks, and it really has weighed heavily on me and my marriage. I can be such a woman sometimes - snapping at him for no reason, acting like he doesn't understand, etc. But I couldn't have married a better man! During those out-of-control moments, he will grab me up and hold me until I calm down. I always feel bad that he married into such a crazy mess, but he assures me that not only does he love me, he loves my wacky family! I have never met such a loving, godly man!

Oh, God! You really knew what you were doing!


Sandra Burns said...

Wow! I am proud of you for the 12 lbs and for recognizing the wonderful treasure God has placed in your care. Love you sweetie!

rae said...

Yey! Doesn't loosing weight make you feel great!?! You inspired me to try and loose some more! I have hit a plateau, but I'm going to keep trying!

rae said...

Okay, my mom would not be happy....I meant lose not loose! ha.

Sandra Burns said...

Hey sweetie! I gave you an award on my blog, check it out.

Sandra Burns said...

Okay, I don't know where else to post this so here you go.

It's just like facebook or myspace, just copy and past it in your new blog post and change my answers to your answers.

Then when you want to give your awards, just type the name of the blog, and click the link button to input the web address for their blog.

See? Easy? Right?