Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oh yeah...I have a blog!

I cannot believe I haven't posted in so long! I mean really...some of the biggest things to ever happen in my life have happened...and I didn't post about! Please forgive me blog world!

Well, I guess the most important thing (and the thing that most of you already know!) I should post is...I'm pregnant! I honestly can't believe it...but my growing belly says it's true! Our precious little girl is due July 1st! Her name will be Raylee...but we can't agree on a middle name yet so that's coming soon! God has blessed BIG time! I always assumed it would be hard for me to get pregnant. I just never expected to wake up one morning and think "maybe I should just check?" and it be positive! I promise you, I flipped out! But Larry Don and I couldn't be happier with what God is doing in our lives and can't wait to hold this sweet girl!

That's really all that's going on in my life right pretty much consumes all of it! So, I promise to try very hard to post about the little and random goings on more often! I'm sure you're just dying to know! :)

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