Monday, May 18, 2015

Dress rehearsal and KDAS recital

We put Raylee in dance this past August at KDAS so she could dance with her cousin Brently. She has mostly loved her class and her dance friends! Mostly she loved wearing the outfits ;) 

Anytime we have a choir performance at the church, Raylee dances and spins and takes over the whole stage! Quite dramatically, even. I've had several people tell me "That girl loves the stage." Or "She's headed for Broadway!" So naturally I was so pumped to see her dance at recital! I just knew she would get up there and immediately feel at home and do her thing! What crazy expectations we Mamas have! 
We had dress rehearsal the Wednesday before and she did exactly as I'd hoped! She knew the steps, stayed in her spot (which had previously been a problem) and was so cute! I was so excited to see the ballet next. That's when she acted exactly as I was afraid she would. After a good 30 seconds of spinning like a mad woman, she takes off to center stage and does her own little Raylee dance (all while the other girls are dancing so sweetly) then takes off running all over the stage! Well at least she was comfortable! 

    The little ballerinas waiting backstage.

During the few days before the recital, I coached her about staying in her spot. So when the day came, I had high hopes of cuteness overload. She gets onstage for her tap dance, waves and smiles.... Then the lights come on. Deer in headlights. Poor girl didn't move! The few times she did, she checked to make sure she was on her spot, then wouldn't get off even the slightest bit. I felt SO terrible! I killed her sweet, spunky spirit! The ballet was about the same. She was so scared of those bright lights. I told her how beautiful and sweet she was and how very proud I was of her. She did look really cute! And overall she said she had fun. That's all that mattered to me :) 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Beauty and the Beast

This time last year, we were in full swing of performances of Seussical the Musical. I played Mrs.Mayor. The reception from the community was so positive and incredible! We had a blast! It was then we found out that this years musical would be Beauty and the Beast. I knew immediately I wanted to be apart of it and I wanted Mrs. Potts! I mean, she had the best song in the whole show, right?! ;) 

              Me and my Who babies
                    Seussical 2014

I was blown away when I was cast as Mrs. Potts this past January. The whole process this year was much more exhausting and long due to some sad and unforeseen circumstances, but I'm SO glad I was apart of it. We SOLD OUT twice during this run and the whole town was buzzing about it! I have always loved being on stage (I started on on the same stage as this one about 25 years ago!) and I couldn't be prouder of the work we did!

Here's a few stage shots I got from SAU's Facebook page:

Obviously the costumes were AMAZING! 

Of course, my biggest fans were there to cheer me on! :) 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow Day!

Of course, it's been awhile since I've updated! Our computer had been on the fritz so I haven't had much opportunity. I've just downloaded the Blogger app (on my brand new iPhone... Woo!) so we'll see how this goes!

We've had some awesome weather this week! I absolutely love snow. It just makes everything so magical. Kids even play together in the street again like we used to when I was younger. You don't see that much anymore! And the best part about snow days is that Daddy gets to stay home with us! We always have more fun when he's home! 

We didn't stay out long because it was just so cold! But here are a few pictures of our fun!