Thursday, May 22, 2014

Little Visitor

As most people know, I'm a stay-at-home mom and I love it! But really we've had to make a lot of sacrifices in order for me to stay home, though that doesn't really matter to us. We feel that this is what's right for our family, even if it means I have to drive an outdated van! So to make up for some of the money we're missing by me not working, I occasionally keep kids in my home. We usually have Ray's cousins a couple times a week and sometimes I'll randomly help out a momma in need.

This week we had 2 visitors, a 4 year old and a sweet little 8 week old baby. I was so in baby heaven! This little sweetie was the perfect baby! She slept, ate, giggled and cooed, and repeat. What I was most amazed at was my sweet girl. She was totally in love with the baby. She wanted to feed her, hug and kiss her, hold her and even just stare at her! It made my heart swell to see Ray with her. At one point, the baby got really upset ( I think she had some tummy problems) and me and Ray sort of looked at each other in shock. It's been almost 3 years since I've had a little one like that around! I tried to comfort her but it wasn't really working so I tried a few things before deciding it was gas and it would just have to pass. She finally started to calm down a bit and when she did I noticed that Ray was standing right beside us and singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. She was trying to calm baby down. Oh, I can't tell you how precious it was. I fought back tears and told her it was working. The baby actually did stop crying and listen!

She's still talking about the baby and about her baby sister. She's even been pretending her baby dolls are her baby sisters. It breaks my heart even more to see her so excited about having a baby around. I long to give her a baby sister (or brother!). I told her we would have to talk to Jesus and trust that He hears us! So we'll just cling to Him and wait.

"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires." - Psalm 37:4

Her favorite spot when baby was on the floor


Sunday, May 18, 2014


Back around last September, my friend's husband (who also happens to be SAU's theatre director) told me they would be doing Seussical the Musical this spring and told me I should audition. I sort of laughed it off, knowing I would be embarrassing myself if I did! I didn't really think much else about it until January, when auditions were getting closer. He told me again to audition, then told my husband about it. Well, that pretty much sealed my fate... My dear, sweet husband practically dragged me up there! I was so unbelievably nervous. Like, what on Earth am I doing here with all of these college kids, most of whom are majoring in theatre! Hello! Out of place!

When I got a call back for the next day, I was floored! And terrified! What do you do at a call back like this? I didn't know what the heck I was doing! So I went...and thought I bombed. Really, there were so many talented students and community members. I told myself I would be content with an ensemble part and that would be that. The list was going to be posted that next day and I very patiently (not) checked the website 20,000 times. I got a text from my friend saying the list was up and there it was... I was cast as Mrs. Mayor of Whoville! I was ecstatic! I was....freaking out!

As nervous as I was, this turned out to be the most amazing experience. It was a lot of work, nights away from my family for rehearsal, tears because I still thought I was making a fool of myself and lots and lots of laughter and fun. God knew I needed this in my life at that moment. Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved (LOVED!) being on stage and performing. I am still so humbled and amazed that I ever got a chance to be a part of such a fun and exciting show!


The Grinch!
My little "who" people

Me with JoJo and Mr. Mayor

The Sour Kangaroo

Friday, May 9, 2014


I've decided to change things up a little. I want to post more regularly and I wanted things to be different and fresh for me. I want to post about everyday life and things on my heart... just to remember this time in my life and the little things I might otherwise forget!

I chose the name "Consider the Sparrows" because of the verse in Matthew 10; 

29 Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny?[a] Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s consent.[b] 30 But even the hairs of your head have all been counted. 31 So don’t be afraid therefore; you are worth more than many sparrows.

What a great reminder this is that God loves us. Even someone as insignificant as me. I want this to be at the heart of all I say and do. Nothing else matters - not letters, numbers, reading, writing. If I don't teach my child that she is important to God, I haven't taught her a thing worth knowing.

His eye is on the sparrow... And I know He watches me!